

2024 :  Sylvie BAUDINO organizes the kick-off meeting of PCRI France-USA programme on terpene secretion.

2024 : Henrik Toft SIMONSEN is elected head of the BVpam lab.

2023 : Saretta Nindya PARAMITA defends her thesis on the relation between cut roses and fragrance.

2023 : Florence NICOLÈ, Sandrine MOJA, and Sylvie BAUDINO participate to the kick off meeting of ANR directed by M%agali PROFFIT on chemical ecology of figs and lavender.

2023 : Jean-Claude CAISSARD integrates the COST European Network in Chemical Ecology as Scientific Communication Coordinator.

2023 : Corentin CONART’s publication is on the cover of PNAS.

2022 : Henrik Toft SIMONSEN starts as the new professor.

2022 : Corentin CONART defends his thesis on the evolution of rose perfumes.

2022 : Sylvie BAUDINO participates to the CNRS prospectives of the French Institute on Environment and Ecology.

2021-2026 : Sylvie BAUDINO, Jean-Claude CAISSARD and Sandrine MOJA are elected members of the academic council of Saint-Etienne University.

2021 : Florence NICOLE presents the « Projet Campus Sol-Faune-Flore » to the Forum of Saint-Etienne Métropole on Climate. [learn more]

2019 : Sylvie BAUDINO is officially nominated Vice-President of the INRAE Scientific Advisory Board.

2019 : BVpam lab participates to the organization of  the Thematic School on Chemical Ecology in Clermont-Ferrand. [learn more]

2019 : Sandrina MOJA is awarded the Science Prize of the French Botanical Society.

2018 : Jean-Claude CAISSARD inaugurates the tour « Loire en Rose » in the rose garden of Saint-Galmier. https://sites.google.com/view/loireenroses/accueil

2018 : BVpam lab is on french TV « France 5 », , and on french radio « France Inter », 

2018 : BVpam lab participates to the genome sequencing of rose, which makes the cover of Nature Genetics.

2017 : Kick-off meeting on ANR Rosascent in Saint-Etienne. https://sites.google.com/view/rosascent/events

2017 : Pulu SUN defends her thesis on molecular and biochemical studies of fragrance biosynthesis in rose.

2017 : Sylvie BAUDINO is named  Knight of the French National Legion of Honor.

2017 : Sylvie BAUDINO and Florence NICOLÈ participate to the CNRS prospectives of the French Institute on Environment and Ecology.

2016-2019 : Sylvie BAUDINO is elected in the CNU section 64 as a substitute.

2016 : Bernard BLEROT defends his thesis on the biosynthesis of volatile compounds in pelargonium.

2016 : BVpam lab is on french radio « France Culture ».

2016 : Sylvie BAUDINO is awarded the Sciences Prize for Integrative Biology of the French Academy of Sciences.

2015 : Jean-Louis MAGNARD’s publication is on the cover of Science.

2015 : BVpam is on french TV, channel France 3. [learn more]

2012-2019 : Sylvie BAUDINO is nominated in the « Commission nationale d’évaluation des ingénieurs INRA ».

2015-2016 : Sylvie BAUDINO is nominated in the « jury de concours d’accès au corps des CR1 et DR INRA ».

2011 : Sylvie BAUDINO and Jean-Claude CAISSARD participate to the CNRS prospectives of the French Institute on Environment and Ecology.

2005-2007: Frederic JULLIEN is nominated in the National Jury of CAPES.

2000 : Creation of the BVpam lab EA3061.