
L'équipeLes membres du laboratoire

Doctorants et post-doctorants actuels

Nirmal Yadav. Catalytic characteristics of mono and sesquiterpene synthases of two Lavandula species. ModBioTerp. 2025-2027

Gaurav Srivastava. Elucidation and Pathway Engineering of Terpenoid Biosynthesis in Bryophytes, with a Focus on Liverworts. Bryomolecules. 2025 - 2027

Nikolina Mrakovčić. Terpene Biochemistry in Liverworts. ModBioTerp. 2025 - 2027

Pranav Raj Thirumalamal Kalarickal. Elucidation of Terpene biochemistry among Liverworts. Bryomolecules. 2024 - 2027

Seema Chaurasia. Elucidation of Terpene biochemistry among Liverworts. Bryomolecules. 2024-2027

Wenlin Liao. Generation of a methanotroph plant. Villum Foundation Experiemental Post doc Grant, 2023 - 2025

Zhongze Li. Subcellular trafficking and secretion of scent. ANR STRASS. 2024-2027

Mariana Lopez Gordillo. NUDX1-1a regulation in rose perfume. Government Thesis Scholarship. 2022 - 2025

Anciens membres du laboratoirePar date d'arrivée


2017 - 2024

Francisco J. A. RIOS. Heterologues Production of Pyrethrins. Chilenian goverments Thesis Scholarship. 2021 - 2024

Camille Bihanic. Study of the terpene biosynthesis in botanical Pelargonium species. « Plan de Relance » Post-Doc Scholarship (collaboration with IFF-LMR Naturals). 2022-2024

Mathias Fontez. Pollination of lavender and biosynthetic pathways. Government Thesis Scholarship. 2021-2024

Diki Pedenla Bomzan. Micioorganisms-plant communication: from microbial signals and their action to an integrated model of plant development. Region Post-Doc  Scholarship. 2022-2024

Corentin Conart. Origin and evolution of terpenoid biosynthesis in Bryophytes. ELAN research program, Post doc Scholarship, 2023-2024.

Saretta Nindya Paramita. Heredity and impact of volatiles on vase life in cut roses. Industrial Thesis Scholarship (CIFRE, Meilland International SA). Thesis defense 2023.

Inès Adrar. Perception of rose perfume. Co-direction  with Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon. Regional Thesis Scholarship. Thesis defense 2023.

Cao Li. Evolution of volatile organic compounds in species of the genus Ficus. Co-direction with Centre d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive de Montpellier. CNRS Thesis Scholarship. Thesis defense 2022.

Corentin Conart. Origin and evolution of geraniol biosynthesis in rose petals. Government Thesis Scholarship. Thesis defense 2022.

Laure Martinelli. Study of the biosynthesis of terpenes and their regulation in Pelargonium x hybridum. Government Thesis Scholarship. Thesis defense 2020.

Rita Penzes. Rose volatiles analyses by ATD-GCMS. (Erasmus +) 2018-19.

Pulu Sun. Molecular and biochemical studies of fragrance biosynthesis in rose. Co-supervision with Plant Physiology Group in University of Amsterdam. Government Thesis Scholarship. Thesis defense 2017.

2002 - 2016

Bernard Blerot. Biosynthesis of odorous compounds in different Pelargonium used for essential oil production. Industrial Thesis Scholarship (IFF SA). Thesis defense 2016.

Edouard Fontvieille. Characterization of enzymes involved in scent biosynthesis in rose. University Post-Doc and Teaching  Scholarship, 2015-2016.

Yolande Despinasse. Chemical diversity and characterization of the impact of water stress in lavender. Government Thesis Scholarship. Thesis defense 2015.

Cyrille Conord. Modelization of data and biostatistics. University Post-Doc and Teaching  Scholarship, 2015.

Aymeric Roccia. Study of two genes involved in the biosynthesis of perfume in the genus Rosa (L.). Co-direction with Plant Reproduction and Development Lab in Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon. Regional Thesis Scholarship. Thesis defense 2012.

Romain Hecquet. Characterization of the RhDIF1 gene expressed specifically in the petals of scented roses. Government Thesis Scholarship. Thesis defense 2012.

Emilie Cavel. Functional characterization of the gene PAAS in the genus Rosa. University Post-Doc and Teaching  Scholarship. 2012

Tarek Benabdelkader. Biodiversity, bioactivity and biosynthesis of volatile terpene compounds from Lavandula stoechas sensu lato, a complex of Mediterranean species of pharmacological interest Algeria Thesis Scholarship. Thesis defense 2012.

Anne Caniard. Genes involved in sclareol biosynthesis in Salvia sclarea. Industrial Post-Doc Scholarship (Bontoux SA, Claryssime Program) 2010-2011.

Antoine Champagne. Chemical diversity and biofortification of cultivated tropical root and tuber plants: Characterization of parents and development of protocols to optimize selection. CIRAD Thesis Scholarship. Thesis defense 2010.

Yann Guitton. Diversity of volatile terpene compounds within the genus Lavandula: evolutionary and physiological aspects. Regional Thesis Scholarship. Thesis defense 2010.

Jana Machenaud. 2-phenylethanol biosynthesis and scent secretion in rose. Government Thesis Scholarship. Thesis defense 2010.

Sylvain Legrand. Transcriptomics of Salvia sclarea.  Industrial Post-Doc Scholarship (Bontoux SA, Claryssime Program) 2008-2010.

Véronique Bergougnoux. Biosynthesis and secretion of scent in Rosa x hybrida L. Regional Thesis Scholarship. Thesis defense 2005.

Mélanie Mauriat. Involvement of gibberellins in the morphogenesis of trichomes in Mentha x piperita. Regional Thesis Scholarship. Thesis defense 2005.

Virginie Gobert. Genetic diversity study and infernce of phylogenetic links in the Mentha section (Lamiaceae). Regional Thesis Scholarship. Thesis defense 2002.

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